Treatment for Young Adults and Families
We recognize that young adults struggling with substance use have unique issues related to peer group, educational and vocational goals, and family relationships. This is why YES developed a program with the specific needs of this age group in mind, specifically for young adults between the ages of 18-25. YES engages individuals with the understanding that not everyone enters treatment with the same readiness or fully accepting the many changes that need to occur with the goal of long-term recovery. With this in mind, our program assists the young adult in identifying what stage of change/recovery they are in in order to develop realistic and attainable goals. Creating a safe and supportive environment fosters the therapeutic relationship, builds internal motivators, and ultimately allows for better long-term outcomes.

Specialized Group Services and Supports Include:
Young Adult Support Group
Assists in identifying and responding to risk factors associated with addiction/recovery, mental health, trauma, interpersonal difficulties, and other common issues that young people are faced with. Some topics that are covered include decision making, relationships, social issues, career goals, coping skills, and recovery tools.
A comprehensive young adult (17-25) program connecting individuals to the best care possible. For more information go to: