Evaluations and Treatment for DWI Offenders
As a licensed OASAS provider (Office of Addiction Services and Supports), YES Community Counseling Center provides evaluations mandated by a part of the legal system, DMV, or suggested by a lawyer as a result of a DWI or another impaired driver offense. An evaluation consists of a face-to-face assessment by a qualified licensed health professional and a medical screening by a nurse. An evaluation may deem that treatment services are recommended and can include group and/or individual counseling.
While treatment may be mandated by a judge or court system, receiving services from this agency is voluntary. The length of services received is based on the unique needs of the individual. Services can be coordinated with the Courts, Department of Motor Vehicles, Attorneys, or any other part of the legal system should an individual wish to sign a consent giving permission for coordination with these systems. Agency policies are in place to ensure that the evaluations are deemed valid to assist in any DMV related requirements.